Technique Narrative (Yellow)

Basic Fighting Movement  01   
R High Punch


Step left for chamber L block into L palm strike
R punch to solar plexus pull down
R knee to head
R downward elbow strike
Basic Fighting Movement  02   
L High Punch
Step R  for chamber R block into R palm strike
L punch to solar plexus pull down
L knee to head
L downward elbow strike
Basic Fighting Movement  03   
High Charge
Strike with both hands to face (in practice hit R shoulder)
Pull opponent down into R knee
R downward elbow



Basic Fighting Movement  04
R Straight Punch
Step left for chamber L cross block (parry) with R roundhouse kick
R back fist and left punch combo to head
Basic Fighting Movement  05 
L Straight Punch
R cross block (parry) with L roundhouse kick
L back fist and left punch combo to head


Basic Fighting Movement  06   
R Low Punch
Step left for chamber L low block and L back fist to face.
R punch to body (pull down)
R knee to face
R downward elbow


Basic Fighting Movement  07  
L Low Punch
R low block and R back fist to face.
L punch to body (pull down)
L knee to face
L downward elbow
Basic Fighting Movement  08 
Straight Wrist Grab Escape
Step to same side
Elbow up
Wrist to chest
Basic Fighting Movement  09  
Straight Wrist Grab Escape
Step to same side
Palm strike to face—if needed Elbow up
Wrist to chest
Basic Fighting Movement  10 
Cross Wrist Grab Escape
Snake wrist inside and keep opponent's hand by hip.
Step left and simultaneous right kick
L Punch to head into
arm bar at elbow.
Basic Fighting Movement  11 
Hostile Approach
Use opponent's stride and shoulders to redirect them counter clockwise to 180`
R bicep/forearm pinch neck as R hand on L bicep L hand back of opponent head (choke).